Sunday, September 11, 2011

Both of my kids are going on missions. Both enter their mission on the same day, Sept. 28, 2011. I'm struggling. My feelings are all over the place. I feel that I have lost them.

Honestly, I haven't lost them, but, there isn't any connection. I wonder if this is how my parents felt when I was so involved in this institution. When I finally stopped going to church they were so happy and so was I. My worldview changed, I could relate to them, it was a real relationship. Thank god!! Some years later my mother died of lymphoma.

I have to go to their farewell. It will be difficult listening to that bullshit. I haven't been a mormon church for sometime. I will feel out of place. I have such ill feelings towards that church. But, I will try to put those feelings aside for my kids. I think I would prefer to be invisible while I'm there.

The church isn't true! It isn't what it claims to be! They lie! They coverup! All for THEIR TRUTH, THEIR INSTITUTION.

I hope they find their way out, and, when they do I'll be here!

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