So I came across this article. Of course I was able to relate to it. When you believe in something to the point that you think it is true, and everything that you where taught is what actually happen, finding out the truth will hit you like a brick.
One of the comments struck me to the point that made me shake. The person who made the comment suggest that people who leave Mormonism no longer want to be accountable, so they can walk the world with out guilt. I did respond to that comment and suggested that it is accountability that caused us to leave, but not ours but the church. I listed several things that the church should accountable to:
"How about the LDS church (The one and only true church) be accountable about the Mountain Meadows Massacre instead of covering it up for 20 years and letting the real perpetrators get away? How about be accountable about the Blacks and the Priesthood when Brigham Young was in charge since Blacks where given the priesthood before then? How about be accountable about practicing polygamy instead of hiding the fact the Joseph Smith was making proposals to married women and underage girls?"
Have a happy day!!
The Bible's Guide to Health Care
7 years ago